Jack Fitzsimons, James Honaker, Michael Shoemate, and Vikrant Singhal.
Private Means and the Curious Incident of the Free Lunch.
Gautam Kamath, Argyris Mouzakis, Matthew Regehr, Vikrant Singhal, Thomas Steinke, and Jonathan Ullman.
A Bias-Accuracy-Privacy Trilemma for Statistical Estimation.
Journal of the American Statistical Association (JASA) 2025+; TPDP 2023.
[arXiv]Vikrant Singhal.
A Polynomial Time, Pure Differentially Private Estimator for Binary Product Distributions.
ALT 2024.
[arXiv]Mark Bun, Gautam Kamath, Argyris Mouzakis, and Vikrant Singhal.
Not All Learnable Distribution Classes are Privately Learnable.
ALT 2024.
[arXiv]Shai Ben-David, Alex Bie, Clément Canonne, Gautam Kamath, and Vikrant Singhal.
Private Distribution Learning with Public Data: The View from Sample Compression.
NeurIPS 2023 (Spotlight Presentation); TPDP 2023.
[arXiv]Gautam Kamath, Argyris Mouzakis, and Vikrant Singhal.
New Lower Bounds for Private Estimation and a Generalized Fingerprinting Lemma.
NeurIPS 2022; TPDP 2022.
[arXiv]Alex Bie, Gautam Kamath, and Vikrant Singhal.
Private Estimation with Public Data.
NeurIPS 2022; TPDP 2022.
[arXiv]Gautam Kamath, Argyris Mouzakis, Vikrant Singhal, Thomas Steinke, and Jonathan Ullman.
A Private and Computationally-Efficient Estimator for Unbounded Gaussians.
COLT 2022; TPDP 2022.
[arXiv]Vikrant Singhal and Thomas Steinke.
Privately Learning Subspaces.
NeurIPS 2021; TPDP 2021.
[arXiv]Gautam Kamath, Vikrant Singhal, and Jonathan Ullman.
Private Mean Estimation of Heavy-Tailed Distributions.
COLT 2020; TPDP 2020.
[arXiv]Gautam Kamath, Or Sheffet, Vikrant Singhal, and Jonathan Ullman.
Differentially Private Algorithms for Learning Mixtures of Separated Gaussians.
NeurIPS 2019.
[arXiv] [poster]Gautam Kamath, Jerry Li, Vikrant Singhal, and Jonathan Ullman.
Privately Learning High-Dimensional Distributions.
COLT 2019; TPDP 2018.
[arXiv]Ehsan Emamjomeh-Zadeh, David Kempe, and Vikrant Singhal.
Deterministic and Probabilistic Binary Search in Graphs.
STOC 2016.
Doctoral Dissertation